Digging Deeper: Novo Nordisk

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Novo Nordisk has become a household name thanks to the surge of interest in its products, Ozempic and Wegovy – both considered to be game-changers in the treatment of diabetes and obesity. In this video, Walter Scott Client Investment Manager George Dent and Investment Manager Lindsay Scott discuss their views on the growing obesity and diabetes markets along with their outlook for Novo Nordisk.

Key Takeaways:

  • Novo Nordisk’s products are game-changing for the obesity market, with the company likely to surpass its 2025 obesity sales target this year.
  • Competition exists but it is not a winner-takes-all market – and we believe that Novo Nordisk alongside Eli Lilly have a significant head start.
  • Novo Nordisk’s culture underpins its success, with down-to-earth management that’s not afraid to say when things haven’t gone to plan.
  • To meet demand for its obesity drug, the company has increased capacity and diversity of supply via contract manufacturing organizations and investing heavily in internal capacity.


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