BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program


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We believe it's important to have a long-term plan — and stick with it. The BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program offers a Mutual Fund Series for IRA and non-retirement accounts, and Separately Managed Accounts to help you stay on course with your investment strategy.


BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program–Mutual Fund Series

The BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program (the “Program”), a wrap-fee, investment advisory program, provides a comprehensive, disciplined strategy for helping you achieve your long-term investment goals.

The Mutual Fund Series offers a sophisticated, quantitative process for analyzing your investment objectives and seeking to optimize your asset mix on an ongoing basis. You will receive professional guidance from a BNY Mellon Advisor to help you develop a personalized investment plan and choose from a carefully screened selection of mutual funds to implement your plan.


A BNY Mellon Advisor is there to assist you every step of the way.

1) Analysis of current investments. You will complete an in-depth questionnaire to better define your goals and risk tolerance and help identify strengths and weaknesses in your current plan.

2) Risk tolerance and goals assessment. Your BNY Mellon Advisor will conduct an assessment to help create the foundation for a comprehensive personalized strategy.

3) Personalized asset allocation plan design. You and your BNY Mellon Advisor, working together, will create a portfolio of mutual funds tailored to your individual needs. A well-crafted asset allocation plan may help effectively balance your portfolio's risk and potential return through challenging market conditions.

4) Systematic portfolio review and rebalancing. On an ongoing basis, a review of your asset mix will help ensure that it remains in line with your long-term investment objectives and risk tolerance. On a semi-annual basis (or quarterly basis if requested), your portfolio will automatically be rebalanced and your holdings reallocated to help keep your plan on track.

5) Ongoing advice. Your BNY Mellon Advisor will conduct periodic reviews with you to assess your portfolio and determine whether your investment goals and objectives have changed.

6) Comprehensive Reporting. You will receive detailed information that allows you to easily track progress toward your investment goals.

The Program is sponsored by BNY Mellon Securities Corporation (BNYMSC), a registered investment adviser, and is available through BNYMSC’s BNY Mellon Advisor Services Division. Please call 1-800-843-5466 to learn more.

Separately Managed Accounts


Customized Investment Series
Municipal Bond Series

Separately managed accounts can play an important role in an investor's portfolio because of the potential advantages they may offer over other types of investments. These customizable investment strategies are designed to help you pursue your specific financial goals by combining the benefits of professional money management with the flexibility, control and potential tax advantages offered by owning individual securities as opposed to interests or shares of pooled investment vehicles.


A Separately Managed Account offers you access to investment managers who may otherwise only manage assets for institutional clients.

Portfolio customization is available. Investors can restrict specific securities or industries from their accounts or specify other investment-related restrictions.

Investors own each individual security within an account. Sell decisions (and possible capital gains consequences) are based on each investor's goals, and are not affected by the redemption needs of investors in a pooled vehicle, such as a mutual fund.

When investing through a separately managed account, investors pay capital gain taxes only on the capital gains that they actually realize. Individual securities in the account are owned directly, allowing investors to work with their tax advisor and financial advisor to implement tax-efficient investing strategies. In addition, some separate accounts provide flexibility in funding. Separately managed accounts can typically be funded with securities in kind, as well as cash. Many investment advisers will accept securities or portfolios, such as trust and retirement accounts, to fund an account.

This information is general in nature and is not intended to constitute tax advice. Please consult your own legal or tax advisor for more detailed information on tax issues and advice as they relate to your specific situation. 

Related Materials


BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program - Mutual Fund Series Brochure


BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program - A Guide to Separately Managed Account Investment Opportunities


BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program - Municipal Bond Series Brochure

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For more information on the BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program


All investments involve risk including loss of principal. Certain investments involve greater or unique risks that should be considered along with the objectives, fees, and expenses before investing.

Minimum account balance for BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program Mutual Fund Series is $25,000. Equity separate account portfolios within the Customized Investment Series require a $100,000 minimum. Municipal Bond Series national portfolios require a $300,000 minimum and state specific portfolios require a $500,000 minimum.

For more information on  the BNY Mellon Managed Asset Program call 1-800-843-5466.

This material has been distributed for informational purposes only and should not be considered as investment advice or a recommendation of any strategy, investment manager or account arrangement. Information contained herein has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but not guaranteed. Please consult a legal, tax or investment advisor in order to determine whether an investment product or service is appropriate for a particular situation. No part of this material may be reproduced in any form, or referred to in any other publication, without express written permission. 

BNY Mellon Investment Management is one of the world’s leading investment management organizations encompassing BNY Mellon’s affiliated investment management and global distribution firms. BNY Mellon Securities Corporation ("BNYMSC") is a registered investment adviser and broker/dealer and BNY Mellon Investment Management firm. BNY Mellon Advisor Services is a division of BNYMSC. BNY Mellon is the corporate brand of The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation.
